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Saturday, September 29, 2012
Video - 10 Tips to improve your kettlebell clean
UK Olympic Weightlifitng
Weightlifting, or Olympic Weightlifting, is a fantastic sport both to watch and compete in. Not to mention the challenges is presents to the practitioner and explosive strength gains. As such, it is a common form of training for nearly all athletes that are looking to develop explosive power and strength that can be used effectively in the sporting arena.
The only downside of the sport is that it is
possibly the only one that actually gets more difficult as you improve. With
any other sport, an increase in strength, fitness, skill set and focus usually
means you make it look easy. With weightlifting, every time you get a good lift
the idea is to put more weight on the bar and so increase all of the aforementioned
demands in order to replicate your success. Basically, it keeps getting more difficult
as you progress.
For this reason you could probably survey
thousands of people on a busy high street and not find one active weightlifter.
The difficulty is reflected by the national level of participants and even
those that train some variations of the lifts for sporting benefits will never compete
as weightlifters.
So the sport needs a boost. London 2012 was an
amazing opportunity to showcase many sports that people may have only heard of
and had no previous idea of what was actually involved. Many sporting groups
and governing bodies are attempting to embrace the legacy and help many sports
grow. One of those directly influencing weightlifting in the UK is UK Olympic Weightlifting.
The main aims of this new company are as
follows –
- · Increased participation in training and competition
- · Increased recognition of the sport
- · Forming a weightlifting community
- · Delivering knowledge and information through the internet and with events
The great thing about this website is that it
is created by the people and for the people and many weightlifting coaches and
cubs have already signed up and the articles are coming in to promote education
and develop participation in the sport.
If you have ever had the slightest interest in weightlifting
or would like to know more – even if you decided you wanted to give it a go and
find a local club or professional coach then check them out by clicking the link below -
You can also find them here on Facebook -
Monday, September 24, 2012
Kettlebell training and fat loss DVD
Practical Kettlebell Training is a full instructional and workout DVD and still one of the few on the market that teaches how to properly train with kettlebells and provides you with several workouts to get the most from your training. The product is packed with 2.5 hours of information and used by fitness professionals as well as the general public for correct instruction of the these often unique movement patterns.
It is filmed in a split screen format to show you exactly what the body is doing from multiple angles and all of the 10 basic exercises are completely broken down with modifications so that they can easily be followed by poeple new to kettlebell training.
The first disc also has 2 minute timed sets on kettleblel sport and introduces the snatch, double jerk and long cycle clean and jerk so you can really test yourself. Advice is given on which weights to start with and also how to set up circuits for class based training.
The main thing about this DVD set is that disc 2 provides 7 timed workouts ranging from 5 to 15 minutes of full body training. You have the 5 minute swing test as well as the infamous 5 hit combo and then full body sessions to target every muscle group and improve your fitness. Most of these circuits also boost your metabolism and are axcellent for fat burning and weight loss. In fact, you can even combine sessions depening on your requirements and time avalable to train!
Amazon still regularly promote this product as it is one of their best selling fitness DVDs and always at, or near, the top of their listings for kettlebell DVDs. Thousands of copies have sold globally and many people have enjoyed the freedom of being able to take back control of their health and well-being with just 1 hour a week of consistent work. Just 20 minutes 3 times a week is enough to achieve lasting results.
After 1 week you will feel the difference
After 1 month you and your friends will see the difference
Many customers report losing up to 5kg per month just following the workouts on a regular basis and adapting to a healthy lifestyle.
It really is not that difficult and I wish you every success with your journey!
Simply click the image to buy direct from Amazon with free shipping - 100% secure and with our 100% cast iron guarantee!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The Strength Academy is live
I almost forgot - just shows you how attention can be diverted!
The Strength Academy is finally live in the truest sense of the word - website done, fully tested, payment method implemented, products live and services booked in with several gyms that all have marketing material. Phew!
After viewing the new venue for the Foundry last week I immediately booked in 2 events. There is the standard kettlebell public workshops that shows people how to use the kettlebell properly and with some routine ideas so that they can take personal responsibility for their fitness. The results I have seen from the thousands of people I have worked with are astounding and you really can become a mini spartan!
The event is below - just click the image!
As it is a high performance centre and they have a lovely set up of platforms, bumper plates and weightlifting bars, we also decided to run and introduction to Olympic weightlifting for anyone that may have caught the Olympic bug and wants to know more about this rewarding form of taming the iron.
The event is below and aimed at beginners wanting some new skills - just click the image!
I mentioned the venues and have spent the best part of 6 weeks compiling a spreadsheet with multiple gym chains in places around 3 hours from where I am now based. The events can all be found on the following page -
So far we have
There are several others that may appear in 2013.
I think any more than that will get complicated. more so when multiple events are ready such as the instructor courses and others planned!
As always there are a million things to do and the key to it all is to make sure that constant action stops the pile from getting too big. I am slowly learning to focus on the important rather than the urgent and it will be a lesson well learned.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Once more into the fray....
Strange title - that will all make sense by the end!
This is a long overdue post and finally sees a lifelong ambition come together for me. I have always loved seeing how far the body can be pushed and always wanted to do a big charity event and now it is booked.
A few years ago I had the idea of the 10000 rep challenge that featured 1000 reps of 10 different exercises involving kettlebells and bodyweight. The aim was to try to complete the challenge in 24 hours with the odd power nap here and there. Basically, with an event like this you put yourself on the line and then have a week off.
However, it was decided that the challenge would grow into the 1 million KG challenge where the aim was for the various people crazy enough to join in for all or part of the event would try to tally the grand total of 1 million kilograms of weight moved - or 1 thousand tons. Quite a session!!!
With factors for bodyweight and the kettlebell used I have worked out my own 10000 reps contribution to be close to 1/3 million KG and will add it whatever I can additional to this to try to get to the half million mark myself. I am actually aiming to get as close to 1 million KG myself, but will only know half way through the event if this is even humanly possible in a greatly and continuously fatigued state.
It will require silly amounts of food and liquid to ensure weight loss is addressed and rectified as well as selected time for that all-important power nap to get a fresh boost and go at it again.
If you think of doing all of the events in the Olympics in one day you will get an idea of the training we will go through and it will be relentless. This is because we are raising money for Great Ormond Street - the world famous children's hospital. It is not about the athletes; it is never about the athletes and I am sure people have done even more ridiculous things than that. However, we could just send them £20 and get on with our lives, but we would rather stand up to the fight and give it our all. For just one day to fight the good fight and break all barriers and boundaries. There is a feeling that you cannot even explain to another person when you have completed something off of the charts.
The link for donating is below so please help if you can as it will be going to a very special place to help some very special people -
Oh and the title should all make sense now as I am going in and coming out with this one.....
Once more into the fray
Into the greatest fight I'll ever know
Live and die on this day
Live and die on this day.....
Slightly modified from - The Grey
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