Sandbag Training History
Sandbag training has undoubtedly been around for a long time, but itʼs perhaps only in the past century when it has been recognised as a legitimate form of strength and conditioning. There are certainly numerous records of the sandbag being used for structured training as far back as the 1890ʼs, most notably by Indian Wrestlers. They continue to be used by combat athletes today but more and more people, irrespective of any sport specific benefits, are recognizing the sandbag as a serious strength and conditioning tool.
I have only been training with sandbags for 3 years or so and they have transformed the way that I approach my programming.
I train exclusively with the Brute Force Sandbag but itʼs entirely possible to develop your sandbag training program with a homemade bag. The important message here is that you neednʼt let your budget dictate your potential results. As a strength coach, this is one of the reasons that I am so passionate about sandbag training - anyone can start right now with the very minimum of investment. I started with an old duffel bag and 100lbs of sand that cost me less than $5.
No matter what type of sandbag you use, the basic qualities remain the same:
• Sandbags are tough to work with. While you can certainly develop a more efficient lifting style with practice, the sandbag will always punish poor technique. Itʼs awkward and has a constantly shifting load - this adds up to a serious challenge, even for advanced lifters.
• The sandbag is a real life object. It can be used as a representation of another person -
this is perfect for anyone involved in contact sports and those in the armed forces, police, firefighters and many more occupations.
• You cannot lift a sandbag without working your grip. In fact, this is what many new trainees notice first. Any sandbag workout is also a grip workout. This further adds to the functional nature of the sandbag as a training tool.
• Training with sandbags develops mental conditioning as well as physical strength. There are few tools that can break an athlete as quickly as a sandbag. In fact, just getting the sandbag into position or transitioning between exercises is a challenge in itself. This builds serious mental toughness.
• Itʼs important to develop strength and competency throughout all three movement planes (sagittal, frontal and transverse). This is an important facet of training for sports and daily life but also as a means to prevent injury and maintain general structural health. Besides movement in these planes of motion, itʼs also important to consider the practice of “stressing” these planes. The sandbag and its permanently off-centre load automatically stresses the body in a true multi-planar fashion.
The Sandbag Trained Athlete

• An Iron Grip. Holding onto a sandbag develops an amazing grip, especially if you utilize an “handleless” bag. And grip isnʼt just reserved for the hands, wrists and forearms - bear hug, shoulder and zercher grips develop a whole range of “gripping” muscles. If your sport or daily life requires a strong grip then you need to train with sandbags.
• Brute Strength. Strong legs, shoulders and backs are an unavoidable result of sandbag lifting. It is possible to develop an efficient sandbag lifting style but it will never be an olympic or power lift. The sandbag just wonʼt allow you to apply the same biomechanical principles. When things start getting tough youʼre going to need to dig in and work hard.
• Serious Stabilizers. Lifting a constantly moving object like the sandbag requires and develops your stabilizing muscles like few other things. You simply cannot underestimate the balance and control required to lift a heavy sandbag overhead. Regular sandbag lifting builds a strong, stable musculoskeletal system.
The Sandbag Lowdown
Like most training tools, you can use the sandbag as a substitute weight for traditional resistance options like barbells, dumbbells or kettlebells. You can follow standard strength programs like Starting Strength or Wendler 5-3-1 with a sandbag. The sandbag works perfectly well for Deadlifts, Squats, Cleans and Presses. But if this is all you ever do with your sandbag then you are missing out on some of the key benefits to this method. The sandbag is an unstable, awkward load with “built in” instability. The further away from your center of gravity that load is, the harder you will have to work to stabilise it. So exercises like the sandbag deadlift donʼt have that inherent instability factor. My advice is to focus more heavily on a range of “unique” sandbag exercises - things that just arenʼt as effective with traditional resistance tools. For me, that means lots of overhead work and utilizing a range of different grip positions. The key exercises that you need to follow in any sandbag training program are:
• Sandbag Shouldering.
• Sandbag Clean and Press.
• Sandbag Bear Hug Load Carry.
• Sandbag Overhead Press.
These fundamental movements will give you a strong foundation of strength and conditioning. Furthermore, they all combine some of the best that the sandbag has to offer. For more experienced sandbag trainees, the following advanced exercises will further develop your skill with the bag. And regular practice will build brute strength, agility and an iron grip.
Some advanced sandbag exercises to try:
• Sandbag Overhead Walking Lunge.
• Sandbag Windmill.
• Sandbag Get Up.
• Sandbag Bear Hug Squat.
You can learn technique tips for many of the key sandbag exercises here:
Beginner Sandbag Workouts - taken from The Complete Guide To Sandbag Training
Beginners Workout 1: Sandbag Basics
800m run
30 Sandbag Clean and Press
800m run
Complete as fast as possible. Men aim for a 60lb sandbag; women aim for 35lbs.
Beginners Workout 2: Jump, Pull, Press
25 Box Jumps
25 Sandbag High Pulls
25 Sandbag Push Press
25 Sandbag Shouldering (alternate shoulders)
Complete 3 rounds as fast as possible. Men should aim for a 60lb sandbag; women aim
for 35lbs.
Beginners Workout 3: The Sandbag Milo Protocol
This training protocol is inspired by and named after Milo of Croton. A greek wrestler from the 6th century BC, Milo was famed for lifting a calf daily until it reached maturity. This was perhaps the first recorded instance of a linear progressive resistance training program. Take a handleless sandbag and fill it with between 25-50% of your bodyweight in sand. Perform a single ground to overhead lift. This is probably best achieved as a clean and press.
To get an idea of how sandbag training works check out the video below -
Repeat this daily, adding 1-2lbs of sand before each lift.
Advanced Sandbag Workouts - taken from The Complete Guide To Sandbag Training
Advanced Workout 1: Legs On Fire
100m Sandbag Bear Hug Load Carry
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps
Complete 10 rounds as fast as possible. Men should aim for a 100lb sandbag; women aim for 60lb.
Advanced Workout 2: Boulder Shoulders
100 Sandbag Overhead Presses. Take a 100 Skip penalty for every rest that you need to
Complete as fast as possible. Men should aim for a 80lb sandbag; women aim for 45lb.
Advanced Workout 3: The Centurion
100 Sandbag Push Presses
100 Sandbag Zercher Squats
100 Sandbag Get Ups
Complete as fast as possible. Men aim for a 80lb sandbag; women aim for 45lb.
The sandbag is an exceptional strength and conditioning tool that, when used effectively, will help you to develop great strength and conditioning. Take a structured approach to its use and include a wide variety of standard lifts (like Deadlifts and Squats) alongside a range of other “unique” lifts like Bear Hug Squats and Shouldering.
To book yourself on to the UK sandbag masterclass with Matt click HERE
To check out Matt's website click HERE
To buy pro grade sandbags click on the image below -
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