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Friday, November 23, 2012

What type of kettlebell do I need?

The kettlebell required will almost always be dictated by the group of people using them. Competition steel kettlebells have a larger shape ball with square handles. They are used in competitions and as the lifter increases their numbers and the weight of kettlebell lifted no technical modifications are required for technique based on dimensional changes in the kettlebell. They are also used exclusively for the competition events which are 1 hand snatch and 2 kettlebell clean and jerk for the biathlon, with the other event being the long cycle clean and jerk. Women use a single kettlebell for both events and they are still single handed. This means that no exercises are performed with 2 hands holding the kettlebell handle. Potential problems then arise when competition kettlebells are purchased for the public as the foundation exercise to correctly set up the movement patterns for the clean and snatch are the 2 hand swing and then 1 hand swing. Most men are not able to properly hold a competition kettlebell with 2 hands based on the handle measurements. It is here that cast iron kettlebells are more suitable for bootcamps, personal training and gym class use as they allow for a more comfortable grip and also are less demanding to control in the lighter weights for women new to kettlebell training (an example being that an 8kg competition weight would be the same physical size as a 40kg cast iron weight, or almost a basketball). As a lifter I exclusively train with competition steel. When I run classes I usually find most people use the cast range for the reasons described above. While you can 2 hand swing comp bells – you will be short changed in both strength and endurance based on grip compromises. Not everyone that uses kettlebells ends up on the competition platform and the general public will benefit from the cast iron range. If in doubt, try them as it is usually down to personal preference. The cast range could be the stepping stone to get people into comp training at a later stage that may have been put off otherwise. No rules, no regulations, just advice that may help.

                          Competition Steel                                                     Cast Iron

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 Cast Iron Kettlebells Competition Kettlebells

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