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Sunday, November 26, 2023

The number one thing you need in the online space...

Your number one asset in the online space is resiliency 

As soon as you step up and decide to be more than you currently are you will push away 90% of the population 

They will see your drive to be better and react emotionally to it 

Your confidence will be seen as arrogance

Your strength and fitness will be seen as pride and narcissism

Your success will be seen as greed and selfishness

Your vulnerability will be seen as weakness 

Your efforts to improve will be seen as excessive and an obsession 

Your straight talking and truth only approach will be seen as shaming some group or afflicted people you never mentioned

Every virtue you strive for will be weaponised against you 

Your desire to create the best in others will be seen as a desperate way to be liked and fix your trauma in some way 

They will say you are changing and should stay nice and humble, when you realise these were the very reasons you played small and stayed quiet 

Whatever you do they will find fault in it as they have given up on themselves and hate anything that reminds them of what could have been 

They will do whatever they can to blame you for how they feel and hurt you as you have hurt them by reminding them what they have said no to and accepted in their daily defeat 

You are going against the norm and the odds are stacked against you in the millions

Go get it with both hands 

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