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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Once more into the fray....

Strange title - that will all make sense by the end!

This is a long overdue post and finally sees a lifelong ambition come together for me. I have always loved seeing how far the body can be pushed and always wanted to do a big charity event and now it is booked.

A few years ago I had the idea of the 10000 rep challenge that featured 1000 reps of 10 different exercises involving kettlebells and bodyweight. The aim was to try to complete the challenge in 24 hours with the odd power nap here and there. Basically, with an event like this you put yourself on the line and then have a week off.

However, it was decided that the challenge would grow into the 1 million KG challenge where the aim was for the various people crazy enough to join in for all or part of the event would try to tally the grand total of 1 million kilograms of weight moved - or 1 thousand tons. Quite a session!!!

With factors for bodyweight and the kettlebell used I have worked out my own 10000 reps contribution to be close to 1/3 million KG and will add it whatever I can additional to this to try to get to the half million mark myself. I am actually aiming to get as close to 1 million KG myself, but will only know half way through the event if this is even humanly possible in a greatly and continuously fatigued state.

It will require silly amounts of food and liquid to ensure weight loss is addressed and rectified as well as selected time for that all-important power nap to get a fresh boost and go at it again.

If you think of doing all of the events in the Olympics in one day you will get an idea of the training we will go through and it will be relentless. This is because we are raising money for Great Ormond Street - the world famous children's hospital. It is not about the athletes; it is never about the athletes and I am sure people have done even more ridiculous things than that. However, we could just send them £20 and get on with our lives, but we would rather stand up to the fight and give it our all. For just one day to fight the good fight and break all barriers and boundaries. There is a feeling that you cannot even explain to another person when you have completed something off of the charts.

The link for donating is below so please help if you can as it will be going to a very special place to help some very special people -

Oh and the title should all make sense now as I am going in and coming out with this one.....

Once more into the fray
Into the greatest fight I'll ever know
Live and die on this day
Live and die on this day.....

Slightly modified from - The Grey

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