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Saturday, September 29, 2012

UK Olympic Weightlifitng

Weightlifting, or Olympic Weightlifting, is a fantastic sport both to watch and compete in. Not to mention the challenges is presents to the practitioner and explosive strength gains. As such, it is a common form of training for nearly all athletes that are looking to develop explosive power and strength that can be used effectively in the sporting arena.

The only downside of the sport is that it is possibly the only one that actually gets more difficult as you improve. With any other sport, an increase in strength, fitness, skill set and focus usually means you make it look easy. With weightlifting, every time you get a good lift the idea is to put more weight on the bar and so increase all of the aforementioned demands in order to replicate your success. Basically, it keeps getting more difficult as you progress.

For this reason you could probably survey thousands of people on a busy high street and not find one active weightlifter. The difficulty is reflected by the national level of participants and even those that train some variations of the lifts for sporting benefits will never compete as weightlifters.

So the sport needs a boost. London 2012 was an amazing opportunity to showcase many sports that people may have only heard of and had no previous idea of what was actually involved. Many sporting groups and governing bodies are attempting to embrace the legacy and help many sports grow. One of those directly influencing weightlifting in the UK is UK Olympic Weightlifting.

The main aims of this new company are as follows –

  • ·         Increased participation in training and competition
  • ·         Increased recognition of the sport
  • ·         Forming a weightlifting community
  • ·        Delivering knowledge and information through the internet and with events

The great thing about this website is that it is created by the people and for the people and many weightlifting coaches and cubs have already signed up and the articles are coming in to promote education and develop participation in the sport.

If you have ever had the slightest interest in weightlifting or would like to know more – even if you decided you wanted to give it a go and find a local club or professional coach then check them out by clicking the link below -

You can also find them here on Facebook -

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