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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Interview with IKSFA Kettlebell Master Coach Sergey Rudnev

The Strength Academy are proud to host the first ever UK event for the IKSFA - the world authority on kettlebell training. The world has only a handful of Honoured Masters of Sport and most of them belong to this group. Think of it as the Olympic Champions of kettlebell competition and you get the idea!

So on November 10th and 11th we are pleased the present a weekend of training under the watchful eyes of these world class kettlebell experts. Each multiple champions and world record holders. The event is the level 1 sport course which will cover the fine details of the competition lifts -

Clean and jerk
Long cycle clean and jerk

You can be sure there will be other material and that the event will have a lifelong impact on how people use kettlebells after exposure to this level of knowledge.

While they were not training, The Strength Academy managed to pin down 2 of the coaches for quick interview and first up with have Master of Sport Coach Sergey Rudnev MSIC -


Coach Rudnev, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. I know you travel the world teaching and we are very fortunate to be able to have this time with you for some quickfire questions!

SR -

Thank you for having me - I look forward to being able to share my knowledge and skills with you all very soon in London


We have 10 questions that will give our readers some insight into the world of kettlebells and about you as a coach and athlete. In traditional Girevoy Sport (GS) method we are going for a 10 minute set - are you ready?

SR -

Ready :)


 What initially got you involved with kettlebells?


Being in Military School from 12 to 22 years practice martial arts (wrestling, karate) and 
used to exercise with kettlebells in the system of GPP. Since age 22 got involved in      
Kettlebell Sport.


Kettlebells have certainly made an impact in the USA and UK since around 2000, just how   
big are they in Russia?


Kettlebell lifting is the national sport of Russia.


What advice would you give to anyone who is thinking of starting kettlebell training?


Novice KB lifter should adhere to the principle: from simple to complex and from light to heavy. 
Basically the same principles apply to any physical activities.


As professional kettlebell sport athletes what are your views on the more mainstream and more 
industry friendly fitness kettlebell movement?


I think the exercises with the KBs can be used in any sport or recreational fitness activity, as a 
universal means of GPP.


There is a small, but growing movement of GS athletes in the UK now. When coaching in Russia is 
it always for GS, or do you also have clients just looking for weight loss and general fitness?


KB is not only the GS. I am skilled in the usage of KBs in the different types of physical activity: 
Preparation of athletes in various sports (combat sambo, karate, boxing, track and field and many 
others); Training ordinary people for weight correction, improve joint mobility, general and special 
flexibility and of course fitness condition; Physical training of students in military university.


Is this the first time you have been to the UK to teach kettlebells?


This is my first visit to the UK.


What sports compliment kettlebell lifting and what sports get the most carryover from using 
kettlebell training?


GS is developing an athlete's general and special endurance, strength and neuromotor skills 
dealing with kettlebells.


What dedication is required to achieve Master of Sports?


The necessary conditions for achieving the level of MS are:

Good health, hard work, qualified coach, special equipment.


What has been your greatest single achievement to date?


My greatest achievement in the GS is preparing:

             - 1 HMS;
             - 8 MSIC;
             - 44 MS;
             - Over 200 CMS.


Can you give us a quick view on the future of kettlebell training as you see it?


GS is becoming more popular in the whole world. I hope to see GS in the Olympic program.

Many thanks for your time and we look forward to seeing you in London on November 10/11 for the IKSFA kettlebell sport coach level 1.

To be coached online by Sergey Rudnev please click HERE

For details of the event please click the logo below - 

 Next week - Sergey Rachinskiy - Guinness World Record Holder!

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