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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Interview with IKSFA Master Coach Sergey Rachinskiy

The Strength Academy are proud to host the first ever UK event for the IKSFA - the world authority on kettlebell training. The world has only a handful of Honoured Masters of Sport and most of them belong to this group. Think of it as the Olympic Champions of kettlebell competition and you get the idea!

So on November 10th and 11th we are pleased the present a weekend of training under the watchful eyes of these world class kettlebell experts. Each multiple champions and world record holders. The event is the level 1 sport course which will cover the fine details of the competition lifts -

Clean and jerk
Long cycle clean and jerk

You can be sure there will be other material and that the event will have a lifelong impact on how people use kettlebells after exposure to this level of knowledge.

While they were not training, The Strength Academy managed to pin down 2 of the coaches for quick interview and today we have Honoured Master of Sport Coach Sergey Rachinskiy -


Coach Rachinskiy, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. I know you travel the world teaching and we are very fortunate to be able to have this time with you for some quickfire questions!

SR -

Thank you for the interview - I am looking forward to travel to London to teach many trainers kettlebell sport.


We have 10 questions that will give our readers some insight into the world of kettlebells and about you as a coach and athlete. In traditional Girevoy Sport (GS) method we are going for a 10 minute set - are you ready?

SR -

Start the clock!


 What initially got you involved with kettlebells?


It was just a fortuity that tied me with Kettlebells. In the Armed Forces of USSR and Russia kettlebell sport was very developed, and at that time I was in military school, so began studying kettlebell sport there.


Kettlebells have certainly made an impact in the USA and UK since around 2000, just how   
big are they in Russia?


Kettlebell sport in Russia has always been popular, and for many years a large number of people were engaged in kettlebell sport. If you take the dates, beginning from the 1930s without kettlebell sport is hard to imagine conducting sports events and sports days. Official Championships of Russia (USSR) were held from 1980.


What advice would you give to anyone who is thinking of starting kettlebell training?


You just have to start, and in any case not be shy and not afraid of kettlebells. The kettlebell is your true training partner.


As professional kettlebell sport athletes what are your views on the more mainstream and more industry friendly fitness kettlebell movement?


I have worked in fitness for over 10 years and I think that kettlebells are very helpful in fitness. Training with kettlebells can develop those qualities that are now required for modern athletes. Kettlebells are one of the few skills that develop not only the power rates, but also functional movements. While some scientific studies have shown that in Kettlebell Sport with the right approach injuries are greatly minimized and this is very important for the modern sports, general fitness, and long term athlete health.


There is a small, but growing movement of GS athletes in the UK now. When coaching in Russia is it always for GS, or do you also have clients just looking for weight loss and general fitness?


I think that in Britain people are still just beginning. A lot of people know about kettlebell sport for the first time. Certainly, this is one of the most energy-consuming sports and the people who want to achieve a great condition with kettlebell training will realise there is no shortcut to quick success. Knowing the sport traditions in Britain, we can assume that many athletes interested in kettlebell sport and will be engaged in a professional manner in years to come.


Is this the first time you have been to the UK to teach kettlebells?


Yes, this is my first visit to the UK, not only as a coach of kettlebell sport, but in general the first time visiting your country.


What sports compliment kettlebell lifting and what sports get the most carryover from using 
kettlebell training?


Training with kettlebells are used in many different sports. Many athletes use exercises from kettlebell sport in preparation other sports as general physical preparation.


What dedication is required to achieve Master of Sports?


You need to practice and believe in achieving the result, and most importantly - find a good coach.


What has been your greatest single achievement to date?


The victory at the Russian Kettlebell Championship in 1998. It was my first victory so I was finally able to get the recognition for my hard work among the athletes who for many years have been fighting for first place.


Can you give us a quick view on the future of kettlebell training as you see it?


Only work, hard training process.

Many thanks for your time and we look forward to seeing you in London on November 10/11 for the IKSFA kettlebell sport coach level 1.

To be coached online by Sergey Rachinskiy please click HERE

For details of the event please click the logo below - 

You have less than 2 weeks to book on for this amazing opportunity and there are literally 2-3 spaces left for this London event!

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