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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Product Review

Gorilla Grips – http://www.gorilla-grips.co.uk/

Product update - use the code TSA-GRIPS at the checkout on the above website to receive a 10% discount and free shipping!

A big thank you to Russell of KB3 Training http://www.kb3training.com for sending me a pair of Gorilla Grips to test and review. They had a full bash today with a set of 200 snatches and I have to say my hands are as good as new. The forearms are a different story and we will get to them later! The idea of the Gorilla Grips is to protect the hands during training. While they are pitched for general gym use as a replacement for gloves, they come into their own with kettlebell training. If you have ever maxed out on a set of kettlebell snatches with either a heavy weight or a high number of reps you will know that they can chew the hands to bits. Add a dab of chalk to improve grip endurance and you have a recipe for a bloodbath. I have to say that if you are serious about improving in kettlebell training then the Gorilla grips will benefit you on 2 levels –

1. They are so durable you actually feel nothing on the hands and your palms remain damage free. This allows you to train with both greater frequency, intensity, volume and without the need for cosmetic recovery. In the same way that straps are used for weightlifting pulls to prevent thumb strain through repetitive use of the hook grip, the Gorilla Grips can be used to greatly increase your work capacity and the ability to train at a very high level without the associated damage. A quick snatch test with a 32kg and then a look at your hands should convince you!

2. The set of 200 actually felt like a set of 500 so your grip is getting a much more intense workout than it would with just some chalk as you now need to squeeze harder to prevent the kettlebell from slipping at the end of the eccentric phase, just before you rip it up. I love my grip training and adding the Gorilla Grips to a kettlebell snatch session makes the workout both easier and harder. Easier because you are not limited by the callus goblins and harder because your grip will fatigue much faster. The bonus is you can perform multiple sets throughout the day or train daily based on your personal level and recovery requirements.

With multiple training sessions per week/day I often found little time to train grip and hands that constantly suffered from weightlifting skin tears. While a very simple device I have now introduced the use of Gorilla Grips into my kettlebell routines as I am certain they will fast track progress and reduce the need to recover from excessive hand damage. I still train without them as you cannot compete with them and toughening the hands is an important aspect of repetition endurance. However, they are a valuable training tool that have breathed new life into my kettlebell sessions.

Overall Verdict 9/10

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