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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Busy Parents - help is on the way part 3


Dear parents 

How is your fitness?

My guess from experience and statistics would be that around 80% of you would agree not great and could certainly be better. You can walk, play in the park and maybe even jog a few laps, but you are well aware you have let things go and that is not helping things 

The problem is there is so much confusion around what to do and on top of that you are busy and tired

How do you find the time and energy to train if there is no time and you are flat?

Sit back and for a brief moment imagine what life would be like in 3-6 months of regular, effective and short exercise sessions. Stay with it as your brain will instantly tell you it is not possible and who are you kidding. 

The beauty is that it is possible and for everyone. By spending time with what it would feel like, how you would look, how you would show up for your kids, at work and the energy you would bring to the family unit is the greatest gift you can give yourself and your family 

But how do you get there? 

I will teach you

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