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Friday, December 8, 2023

Busy Parents - help is on the way part 5


Dear parents 

I asked you the 3 biggest obstacles you face when taking care of your health and wellbeing and you told me. I managed to narrow the common themes down to these little monsters 




Time is the big one as you are so busy with the kids, school run, house to look after, shopping and then don’t even mention trying to manage a social life and go out for some me time 

Money was almost as big as time and for the simple reason that you have to pay for what you don’t know and can’t work out on your own. Gyms are reasonably cheap, but tie into extra time and so a double problem. Personal training can be an expense and online coaching can hit the hundreds a month very easily

Confusion was mentioned so often as your phone can access the world, but who needs all of that in order to take a few positive steps in the right direction of health and fitness? Nobody, and with so many options the overwhelm kicks and like 5000 movies on Netflix we end up watching nothing after searching for an hour

Can you imagine the breath of fresh air and relief you would feel if something came along that not only dealt with all of these problems without question, but also delivered the resources required to achieve fantastic results directly to you, LIVE weekdays and available on catch up, with a private support group and complete course platform for all content?

Next week I will show you the solution I have created to allow you to be an inspiration for your kids and create those great memories 

Are you ready to give your family the ultimate gift?

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